CHF to USD Convert Swiss Francs to US Dollars
We partner with leading data providers to bring you the latest and most accurate prices for all major currencies, cryptocurrencies and precious metals. The CHF and USD can be traded…
We partner with leading data providers to bring you the latest and most accurate prices for all major currencies, cryptocurrencies and precious metals. The CHF and USD can be traded…
Government accounting also aims at carrying out audits within a fiscal year to ensure that the activities of government institutions align with the budgeted revenues and expenditures. Government accountants conduct…
Например, переписка с пользователем, его контакты, ФИО, номер банковского счета. НКО и социальные проекты собирают такие данные для подписки пользователей на рассылку или рекуррентные пожертвования, для публикации информации о благополучателях…